

Guest lectures

2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. Airlangga University, 03/12/2024.

2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. FGV Rio de Janeiro, 26/04/2024.

2024. Da Sociedade Pós-industrial à  Sociedade Digital. Curso de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Sociedade, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 04/04/2024.

2023. Da Sociedade Pós-industrial à  Sociedade Digital. Curso de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Sociedade, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 05/04/2023.

Additional Training

Conferences and Workshop presentations

2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. 2024 Conference on International Cyber Security, 12-13 November, The Hague, Netherlands.

2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. SASE Conference, Limerick, Ireland.

2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. EU-SPRI Conference, Enschede, Netherlands.

2023. Social-Identity Work of Online Gig Workers: A Process Perspective. EGOS Conference, Cagliari, Italy.

2023. Identity by Distinction: Serviceable Others and the Distinctiveness of High-skilled Gig Workers. SASE Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2023. Identity by Distinction: Serviceable others and the distinctiveness of high-skilled gig workers. Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor & Social Reproduction conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2022. How academia works with/around platform data. EU-SPRI Conference, Utrecht Universiteit, Utrecht, Netherlands.

2021. Economic Analysis and Digital Platforms, 5th National Meeting of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI): "Innovation, Sustainability and Pandemic", Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Faculty of Economics (FACE) and the Center for Development and Regional Planning (CEDEPLAR), Online.

2021. Artificial Intelligence and the 'Rosenberg Effects', 18th International Schumpeter Conference 'Schumpeterian perspectives on radical change: robotics, artificial intelligence and broad societal transformations',  Luiss Guido Carli, Online. 

2020. The economy and political economy of digital platforms, 7th Scientific Meeting of the Graduate Program in Economics at the State University of São Paulo, Online.

2020. Public service innovation in Brazil after COVID-19, 1st Seminar of Young Researchers in Industrial Economics, (NEIT/IE/Unicamp), Online. 

2019. Innovation Policy in the Age of Platform Capitalism, 4th National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation, Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. 

2018.  A meta-analysis of the sectoral system of innovation - the role of innovation and technology, EAEPE, University of Nice, Nice, France.

2018. Technological change, occupational structure and income distribution in the long term: the contribution of Carlota Perez and the current techno-economic paradigm, 3rd National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation, Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Brazil. 

2017. The Uber Model: institutional mismatch or financial dominance? Conference on Industrial Economics, State University of São Paulo, Araraquara, Brazil. 

2017. Institutional Trajectories and Structural Change: the BNDES case. 2nd National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation, Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 


Information, Communication & Society

Technology in Society

Socio-economic Review

Innovation & Management Review

International Data Privacy Law

Revista Brasileira de Inovação

Ensaios (UFU)

Revista de Economia do Centro-Oeste

Revista do Serviço Público

Scientific Committee

V International Symposium on the Geography of Knowledge and Innovation, Florianopolis, Brazil, 2024

VIII National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI)

IV International Symposium on the Geography of Knowledge and Innovation, Campinas, Brazil, 2021