2019. Teaching Internship Program - PED C. Subject: Geography of Industries (UNICAMP).
2019. Teaching Internship Program - PED C. Subject: Science, Technology, and Society (UNICAMP).
2018. Teaching Internship Program - PED C. Subject: Science, Technology, and Society (UNICAMP).
2017. Teaching Internship Program - PED C. Subject: Science, Technology, and Society (UNICAMP).
Guest lectures
2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. Airlangga University, 03/12/2024.
2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. FGV Rio de Janeiro, 26/04/2024.
2024. Da Sociedade Pós-industrial à Sociedade Digital. Disciplina de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Sociedade, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 04/04/2024.
2023. Da Sociedade Pós-industrial à Sociedade Digital. Disciplina de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Sociedade, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 05/04/2023.
2021. Plataformização da Ciencia: a encruzilhada da plataforma Lattes. Webinar IPEA. 03/08/2021.
2021. Economia de Plataforma e de Compartilhamento. Semana de Economia da FACAMP. 26/05/2021.
2021. Liderando o futuro por meio da inovação. Ericsson Easy Talks. 30/06/2021.
2020. Capitalismo de Plataforma. Instituto Norberto Bobbio, 29/05/2020.
Additional Training
2024. Network analysis with Gephi, Radboud University Library Workshop (2h30), Nijmegen, Netherlands.
2023. EU-SPRI Early Career Researcher Winter School: AI for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (AI4STIP) (40h). Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, UK.
2023. Winter School on 'Data, personalization and the Law'. (40h). Digital Legal Lab, Lorentz Center, Leiden Universiteit, Netherlands.
2022. Intensive Course of the School of Internet Governance in Brazil (EGI) (48h). Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center, NIC.BR, Brazil.
2021. Digitalization of the Economy (24h). Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Brazil.
2021. Circular economy. (20h). SENAI - São Paulo Regional Department, SENAI/DR/SP, Brazil.
2021. Privacy and Data Protection (LGPD). (4h). SENAI - São Paulo Regional Department, SENAI/DR/SP, Brazil.
2021. Introduction to Data Mining (10h). National Institute of Science & Technology in Digital Democracy, INCT.DD, Brazil.
2021. Interactive Dashboards (10h). National Institute of Science & Technology in Digital Democracy, INCT.DD, Brazil.
2021. Qualitative Data Analysis (6h). National Institute of Science & Technology in Digital Democracy, INCT.DD, Brazil.
2021. Ecosystèmes de l'innovation 101. (5h). International Telecommunication Union, ITU-T, Switzerland.
2020. Online Privacy and Security (9h). Institute for Technology and Society, ITS, Brazil.
2020. AI for everyone. (12h). Coursera, COURSERA, United States.
2019. Science and Innovation Diplomacy School (64h). Institute for Advanced Studies - USP, IEA-USP, Brazil.
2019. Unraveling Industry 4.0. (20h). SENAI - National Department, SENAI/DN, Brazil.
2019. Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Economy (28h). Inter-American Development Bank, IDB, United States.
2018. USP School of History of Sciences (40h). Institute of Advanced Studies - USP, IEA-USP, Brazil.
2018. General Intellectual Property Course (75h). World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, Switzerland.
Conferences and Workshop presentations
2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. 2024 Conference on International Cyber Security, 12-13 November, The Hague, Netherlands.
2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. SASE Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
2024. The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches. EU-SPRI Conference, Enschede, Netherlands.
2024. The impact of digital platforms on SMEs: revenue, innovation, and beyond, 8th National Meeting of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI): "Industrial policy and the knowledge economy: new development strategies for Brazil” Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Faculty of Administration, Accounting and Economic Sciences (FACE)-UFG, Goiania, Brazil. [presenter: Tulio Chiarini].
2024. Surviving the Storm: How Digital Platforms Helped Brazilian SMEs Thrive During the Covid-19 Crisis. 52nd National Economics Meeting - Anpec, December 10-13, 2024, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. [presenter: Paulo Feitosa]
2023. Social-Identity Work of Online Gig Workers: A Process Perspective. EGOS Conference, Cagliari, Italy.
2023. Identity by Distinction: Serviceable Others and the Distinctiveness of High-skilled Gig Workers. SASE Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2023. Identity by Distinction: Serviceable others and the distinctiveness of high-skilled gig workers. Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor & Social Reproduction conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2023. The Brazilian digital platform economy: a first approach, 7th National Meeting of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI): "Development Strategies: ST&I and social and environmental challenges.” Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Faculty of Economic Sciences (FCE) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. [presenter: Tulio Chiarini].
2022. How academia works with/around platform data. EU-SPRI Conference, Utrecht Universiteit, Utrecht, Netherlands.
2022. Voyages of discovery: Charting the new geographies of platform economy, 6th National Meeting of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI): "Industry and research for innovation: new challenges for sustainable development” Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), CIMATEC, Salvador, Brazil.
2021. Economic Analysis and Digital Platforms, 5th National Meeting of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI): "Innovation, Sustainability and Pandemic", Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Faculty of Economics (FACE) and the Center for Development and Regional Planning (CEDEPLAR), Online.
2021. Artificial Intelligence and the 'Rosenberg Effects', 18th International Schumpeter Conference 'Schumpeterian perspectives on radical change: robotics, artificial intelligence and broad societal transformations', Luiss Guido Carli, Online.
2020. The economy and political economy of digital platforms, 7th Scientific Meeting of the Graduate Program in Economics at the State University of São Paulo, Online.
2020. Public service innovation in Brazil after COVID-19, 1st Seminar of Young Researchers in Industrial Economics, (NEIT/IE/Unicamp), Online.
2019. Innovation Policy in the Age of Platform Capitalism, 4th National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation, Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.
2018. A meta-analysis of the sectoral system of innovation - the role of innovation and technology, EAEPE, University of Nice, Nice, France.
2018. Technological change, occupational structure and income distribution in the long term: the contribution of Carlota Perez and the current techno-economic paradigm, 3rd National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation, Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Brazil.
2017. The Uber Model: institutional mismatch or financial dominance? Conference on Industrial Economics, State University of São Paulo, Araraquara, Brazil.
2017. Institutional Trajectories and Structural Change: the BNDES case. 2nd National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation, Brazilian Association of Industrial Economics and Innovation (ABEIN), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Information, Communication & Society
Technology in Society
Socio-economic Review
Innovation & Management Review
International Data Privacy Law
Revista Brasileira de Inovação
Ensaios (UFU)
Revista de Economia do Centro-Oeste
Revista do Serviço Público
Scientific Committee
IX National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI), 2025
V International Symposium on the Geography of Knowledge and Innovation, Florianopolis, Brazil, 2024
VIII National Meeting on Industrial Economics and Innovation (ENEI), 2024
IV International Symposium on the Geography of Knowledge and Innovation, Campinas, Brazil, 2021